What will happen to the body if you start eating chocolate regularly?
The healthiest chocolate is dark, and consuming it in a certain amount can help positive changes in the body.
On the Food News portal, experts told what will happen to the body if you start eating chocolate regularly.
The work of the heart will improve.Cocoa flavonoids, from which chocolate is made, are one of the most powerful antioxidants – they help lower blood pressure, improve blood circulation, and strengthen the heart muscle. The rule is simple: the higher the percentage of cocoa in the product, the more it is saturated with valuable substances.
Indicators of brain function and mental health improve. Studies have shown that chocolate antioxidants soften the effect of everyday stress on the brain and stimulate the production of compounds that improve mood.
The risk of diabetes will decrease. Antioxidants in dark chocolate (at least 75% cocoa) help to restore the sensitivity of cells to insulin, improve natural blood sugar control in people with prediabetes.
< strong>Appetite and digestion are normalized.According to research, eating dark chocolate before or after a meal promotes the release of hormones that support satiety signals sent by the brain's digestive system. Thanks to this, a person becomes better protected from overeating, more successfully controls his food portions. In addition, dark chocolate acts as a prebiotic, that is, food for good intestinal bacteria. By feeding these bacteria, dark chocolate activates digestion, accelerates metabolism, and improves nutrient absorption.
Inflammation is reduced. The antioxidant components of chocolate protect body cells from damage caused by unstable free radical molecules. Such damage can become a focus of inflammation, which is associated with premature aging, heart disease, and cancer. As for cancer, dark chocolate contains substances epicatechin and quercetin, known for their ability to fight malignant cells.
Good cholesterol levels increase. Eating dark chocolate can lower the level of “bad” cholesterol and increase the level of “good”, this is confirmed by research. “Good” cholesterol cleans the arteries from plaques that can clog them, increasing the risk of heart diseases and strokes.
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