What will happen to your health if you don't completely wash the dishes with detergent?
A new study questions the safety of some chemicals used in dishwashing detergents. The doses of the ingredients have been shown to be detrimental to gut health.
A new study by a team of international scientists looked at how much of the chemicals remain on dishes after a dishwasher cycle and what impact these chemicals may have on human gut tissue.
Using a new organoid technology that allows researchers to create three-dimensional cell structures, the researchers studied the effects of different chemicals found in detergents on the gut. The results showed that the chemicals caused different changes in genes “involved in cell survival, epithelial barrier function, cytokine signaling, and metabolism.”
When it came to the specific chemicals causing the damage, the researchers identified alcohol ethoxylates as the culprit. These chemicals are often used in detergents and surface cleaners.
According to one of the authors of the study, the effect of alcohol ethoxylates on intestinal cells, observed during the study, can trigger a number of inflammatory diseases in humans.
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