What you need to know about buying irises so you don't get scammed
Among the flowers that can boast massiveness, spectacularity and bright colors, irises can be distinguished. They are really beautiful and perfectly complement compositions with other plants. The design looks especially interesting in combination with hostas. It is important to buy irises at the right time before planting.
Irises should be divided 2 weeks after flowering
Important fact
If the seller claims that you can buy irises at any time, you should not believe it. Especially when you see blooming irises. This is exactly the moment when you should not buy these flowers.
You need to dig up and divide irises at the right time. If a divided specimen blooms and they sell it to you, it is a scam. The chances of survival of such a plant are small.
Varietal irises should be dug up, divided, and transplanted two or three weeks after flowering. Remember this rule when you are offered to buy a divided part of the rhizome along with a flower in full bloom.
Read also:
Six rules for transplanting so that varietal irises do not freeze out
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