What your blood type can tell you about your character and health

Blood type is not just a number, it can explain many features of your body and teach you to understand it much better. How and in what exactly – we will analyze in more detail.

From the school biology curriculum, we all know that blood type and Rh factor are transmitted genetically from parents. Only a few can tell about how this or that group affects our life, behavior, and the diseases to which we are prone.

What blood types are there?

Regardless of ethnicity, gender, race, or any other characteristics, there are four blood groups. The oldest and most common in the world (found in approximately 40% of the population) is the first group 0 (I). The rarest is group AB (IV). Its existence was proven in 1907 by the Czech doctor Jan Jansky. It is important to note that it was formed as a result of the mixing of the Mongoloid and Indo-European races. Currently, only 5% of the Earth's population has blood group IV.

Blood group and your personality

Every year, studies are conducted around the world to illustrate how blood type affects a person's character and behavior. For example, in Japan, it is believed that blood determines a person's character and individual characteristics. Japanese researchers believe that this may be due to the evolution of blood quality characteristics due to changing climatic conditions and a person's lifestyle.

Nowadays, society has a system for evaluating people based on their blood type. According to this system, people with the first group are considered risk-takers and pioneers — they are better at making strong-willed decisions than others. People with the second group can be described as calm creators and hardworking performers. People with the third group are restless individuals who are constantly striving for something new. People with the fourth group are considered unpredictable, multifaceted, and non-trivial. However, this classification also has no clear scientific basis.

Blood type and health

According to some scientists, depending on the blood group, people are more or less susceptible to various diseases. For example, experts from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden concluded that the risk of developing cancer in people with the first blood group is higher than in others. They are also more likely to suffer from stomach and duodenal ulcers.

However, representatives of the second group are the least likely to suffer from oncology. This is due to their body's greater ability to produce antibodies that resist viruses and microbes. It is important to note that cancer, like any serious illness, affects both a person's physical and mental health.

Doctors and scientists disagree on the dependence of the risk of contracting coronavirus infection on blood group.

A person's lifestyle plays a significant role in the occurrence of diseases. In particular, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and a sedentary lifestyle can be the causes of many serious diseases. Regardless of your blood type, to stay healthy for as long as possible, you need to eat a balanced diet, exercise a lot (10,000 steps is the daily norm), drink more fluids, and undergo a full medical examination every year.

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Author: alex

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