When eye redness requires a visit to the doctor
Eye redness is a common problem that can affect one or both eyes at once. This condition occurs due to blood vessels on the surface of the eyeball, which expand due to infection or any irritant. Among the main reasons for going to the hospital, ophthalmologists named severe eye pain and a sharp deterioration in vision.
According to experts from the Mayo Clinic, short periods of eye redness are usually not a cause for concern. A condition that does not go away within a few days should be a cause for concern, especially if it is accompanied by mucous or purulent discharge.
Emergency care should be provided for red eyes when:
- vision deteriorates sharply;
- severe headache, eye pain, or unusual sensitivity to light occurs;
- nausea and vomiting appear;
- a feeling of a foreign object in the eye;
- swelling around the eyes;
- difficulty opening or keeping the eyes open.
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