When is it better to take a shower: British beautician Rekha Taylor explains

There is a best for health, the time of day when you should take a shower – this is the opinion of an expert.

Although the rituals of taking a shower are always related to the individual characteristics and preferences of a person, there are several universal principles that must be followed, – believes a British cosmetologist , Dr. Rekhi Taylor.

According to the expert, many people prefer a daily shower, this simple procedure is associated with the production of useful components for the body, gives pleasure, rejuvenates the mind and body.

“While people may have different preferences for when to shower, there is generally considered to be an optimal time of day to shower,” Dr. Taylor said in an interview. taking it in the evening is better for skin health for a number of reasons. According to Dr. Taylor, one of the main benefits of an evening shower is that it cleanses the skin before bed. Such a shower removes dirt from the air, including germs, pollution and dust, which can accumulate during the day, as well as sweat accumulated by the body, the expert explains.

“By taking a shower in the evening, you clean your skin before going to bed, thereby allowing it to recover properly during the night,” noted the cosmetologist.

The British specialist explained that the period of night's sleep is crucial for skin regeneration, and its purity, the absence of clogged pores can contribute to this process. In this way, the skin's protection against acne breakouts and other unpleasant lesions is improved.

Also, Rekhi Taylor pointed to other evidence that it is better to take a shower in the evening. Available evidence suggests that a warm shower or bath before bed can aid the sleep process. Researchers have found that the optimal time to take a shower is one to two hours before bedtime: in this case, the quality of sleep can improve. According to their conclusion, taking a shower one to two hours before bedtime helps to maintain the body's natural circadian rhythm, establishes the regularity of the sleep-wake cycle. This is important because a good night's sleep reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Evening is also the best time to shave, according to Dr. Taylor.

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Author: alex

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