When not to water grapes
All plants need water, but there are periods when it is better to refrain from watering so as not to harm the plantings. Particular attention is paid to grapes in this regard. The plant is more accustomed to arid climates than to cold and rainy ones.
Watering grapes should be stopped 5-7 days before flowering. The procedure is not resumed until the process is complete.
The fact is that excess moisture can cause the flowers to fall off. The negative consequences of excess water can be cracked and softened berries. In addition, the ripening of the crop can be delayed due to too much moisture in the soil.
If rains are not so rare, there is no need to water the grapes at all. But if there has been no rain for a long time, and the temperature during the day exceeds 30 degrees, then watering is necessary, but you need to know the measure.
Sprinkling is used only in spring to protect the grapes from spring frosts. In other cases, the procedure is harmful and threatens with an outbreak of fungal diseases.
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