When not to water strawberries
The rules for watering strawberries depend on the period of the garden season: planting seedlings, flowering or harvesting. Balance is important in this matter. It should be remembered that the rule “the more, the better” does not work here.
Excess moisture negatively affects the future harvest. Rare watering can also lead to a meager harvest.
In the first two weeks after planting, experienced gardeners recommend allocating 0.5 liters of warm water for each bush. It is advisable to water the seedlings daily.
Later, the procedure is carried out in such a way that 10-12 liters of water are required per week per 1 sq. m of strawberry bed.
It is important to monitor the weather. If it rains often and the soil does not have time to dry out completely, measures must be taken to avoid losing the strawberry crop.
After the rains, the strawberries are covered with a film and watering is completely stopped. This ensures the formation of an optimal microclimate, which is necessary for the growth of green mass and strengthening of the roots.
In addition, such a measure will avoid the development of fungal diseases and the appearance of putrefactive infections.
During the growing season, the intensity of watering is reduced, weeds are regularly removed and the soil is slightly loosened to improve the supply of oxygen to the roots.
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