When pure Thursday 2025 in Ukraine: holiday date, tradition
every year Christians celebrate Easter. Before this event, the Holy Week is of particular importance. There is a belief that water is gaining healing power that day.In 2025, Easter will occur on April 20 and will coincide for Christians of both rites, which is infrequent. Orthodox adhere to the Julian calendar, while Catholics are guided by Gregorian.A pure Thursday is an important day of Holy Week preceding Easter. He is reminiscent of the events that took place during the secret dinner of Jesus Christ with the apostles. It was on this day that, according to the Gospel, Christ established the Sacrament of the Eucharist (Communion), washed his feet to his disciples as a sign of humility and love, and predicted his betrayal. In the evening, Jesus gathered the apostles for a mysterious dinner, where he divided bread and wine, saying, “This is my body,” “This is my blood,” urging the students to do it in his memory. This is how the Christian sacrament was started.
Before dinner, Christ washed his feet to his disciples, showing an example of humility and service to his neighbor. It has become a symbol of purification not only of the body but also the soul.
what is customary to do on pure Thursday: traditions
Numerous folk and religious customs are associated with pure Thursday:
- water purification. it is believed that this day water acquires special healing properties. People tried to bathe or at least wash away to wash away sins and illness.
- cleaning in the house.Baking belts. this day traditionally prepare Easter and other Easter dishes.
- church worship. In the evening, a service includes reading 12 Gospels on the passion of Christ.
Clean Thursday is reminiscent of the importance of spiritual purification, humility, love for one's neighbor and willingness to serve others. It is a preparation for the main event – the Resurrection of Christ, symbolizing the victory of life over death. Can't quarrel, luck and insult others
This day is a symbol of spiritual purification, so it is important to avoid conflicts, negative thoughts and words. It is believed that quarrels on pure Thursday can be delayed for the whole year.
2. It is impossible to lazy and bite
by tradition, on a clean Thursday you should clean your home, wash things, cook Easter eggs and eggs. It is believed that the lazyness of this day can bring troubles.
3. You cannot leave dirt in the house
cleanliness in the home symbolizes spiritual purification. Therefore, they tried to order in all corners, throw away unnecessary things and wash away all the dust and dirt.
4. Can't borrow money or give something out of home
it is believed that if you borrow money or a thing on a clean Thursday, you can give your wealth and luck with them.
5. It is impossible to work after sunset
In the evening, believers visit worship, so after sunset, it is necessary to stop business and focus on prayer and peace.
6. You cannot cut and do a manicure
The belief is that this day should not cut your hair or nails, as it can “trim” luck and health.
7. It is not possible to leave the food with unpropired
On a clean Thursday traditionally bake Easter eggs and paint eggs, as well as prepare other Easter dishes. It is believed that food is better cooked in advance so that you do not work on a great Friday. It is important to avoid negativity, anger and image, adjust to light thoughts and prepare for Easter.
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