When the broth is better not to salt

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Starting to cook the broth, you should think about whether you need to salt it, and if necessary, when to do it: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. So it will not be possible to immediately take and answer this question. It is necessary to understand what the broth is cooked for – soup, sauce or another dish.


No need to salt

Without thinking, you can hide salt away if the broth is prepared as a base for the sauce.

Because the broth is boiled, it becomes more concentrated, and therefore the finished dish may turn out to be oversalted.

The same applies to the base of the future soup. The broth is not salted only because it is not clear what the taste will be after the addition of other ingredients. It will be wiser to salt at the end of cooking the soup.

It is necessary to salt

When the meat for the soup is cooked, which is then planned to be added to this soup.

Here, salt is already added at the beginning of cooking.

The same applies to cooking the tongue. Salt is added at the beginning of cooking, otherwise the dish may turn out fresh or undersalted.

By the way, tongue broth can be used as a base for soup and sauce or cooking potatoes with meat.

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Author: alex

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