When to add beans to soup so it doesn't turn out mushy

Bean soup is not only tasty, but also very healthy. The general rules for making bean soup are familiar to many housewives, but there are nuances that it would not hurt to know so that the soup turns out to be soup, and not porridge or a tasteless mess.

Tips for making delicious soup

Bean soup is not difficult to prepare if you cook it with canned beans, but with dry beans you will have to tinker. They must be soaked beforehand, and such beans cook a little longer.

Dry beans are left in water for 6-8 hours to save time when cooking soup. Canned beans are put in a saucepan 10-15 minutes before the soup is ready.

You can use white or red beans in their own juice or in tomato sauce for dishes.

When cooking soup with white beans, chefs recommend making a stir-fry with the addition of tomato paste. If the beans are canned, they are put in the soup after the potatoes are ready, but before adding the stir-fry.

10 minutes before the soup is ready, let the soup simmer a little over low heat. You need to salt the dish 5-7 minutes before it is ready.

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Author: alex

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