When to collect eggplants so that they do not bite


Sometimes, eggplants are bitter, and many believe that the cause is the reason Therefore, there is a thick skin that was not cut during processing. In fact, much depends on the time of harvesting, and a little more on the eggplant variety. They are early, medium and late. Let's tell you how to harvest.

When eggplants ripen

The vegetable reaches 25-40 days from the beginning of flowering, and if there are doubts about the maturation period, you can determine maturity. /P>

Mature “blue” is not blue at all. The skin becomes purple, purple or white, depending on the variety. bitter. These are not tomatoes – they do not mature on the windowsill. The bitterness is given to them by solanine, which in large volumes is harmful to health. The fruits are not broken, but cut with a knife, leaving part of the peduncle up to 3-5 cm long. Early is grown exclusively for use fresh and not for storage.

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Author: alex

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