When to treat trees in the garden from fruit borers in the fall
The fruit borer is a pest that is widespread. Treatments must be carried out every season so that the population does not increase. The apple fruit borer is a dangerous pest that can easily destroy your harvest.
When to treat
Fruit trees in the garden should be treated only after the leaves have fallen. Carry out a complete tree rehabilitation. It is necessary to clean it of dead bark, and remove knots on old trees. If you don't clean it, the pest will have many hiding places for the winter.
What to treat
First of all, you need to collect the leaves so that they don't lie under the tree. Pests love such hiding places. Especially when you know about their presence on your site.
The trees in the garden need to be treated with copper sulfate at a concentration of 3%. Take 300 g of the product per 10 liters of water. Treat the crown carefully so that the product completely flows down the trunk and branches.
The tree's trunk circle also needs to be treated. For this, urea (urea) is used. The solution is made at a concentration of 5%. This will help treat the soil not only from fruit flies, but also from pathogens of infectious diseases.
To prepare the solution, dissolve 500 g of the product in 10 liters of water. Treat the trunk circles. This way, the pest will not have a chance to overwinter either on or under the tree.
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