When to water tomatoes: a rule to follow
At the height of the summer season, a list of pressing questions for gardeners leads: How to water properly? Tomatoes are grown by most summer residents, but about 20-30% know the rules for watering nightshade culture.
Tomatoes do not like dry soil, but they like dry air. Therefore, the humidity of the earth is 85-90%, and the air is 50%. Lack of water is visible to the naked eye: leaves curl, flowers fall off. An excess is also immediately visible: the fruits turn black and fall.
After planting in the soil, tomatoes are watered abundantly and left without water for 2-3 days. Then they water again. In the future, watering is carried out 1-2 times a week.
Low-growing varieties need 2-3 liters per bush, giants need at least 10 liters. Some summer residents recommend watering once every 5-7 days, even on dry days. It is important to observe the plants and to determine by visible signs whether it is necessary to water the crop at the moment.
It is better to water tomatoes early in the morning, under the root, and then loosen the soil. It is better to use warm water for irrigation. Do not pour cold water from a hose on the bushes – this is a loss of 50% of the crop.
The ideal option for watering tomatoes is drip irrigation. The soil will always be moist, so the plant will calmly survive the hot period.
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