When we celebrate the Michaelmas miracle of 2024 – a new date, customs and main prohibitions
One of the most important holidays celebrated by Orthodox believers in September is the Miracle of Michael. The event is dedicated to the miracle performed by the Archangel Michael – the head of God's army saved the Christian temple from destruction.
When is the miracle of Michael in 2024 – a new date
Since the Orthodox Church of Ukraine has switched to new Julian calendar, the dates of all non-transitional holidays have shifted 13 days earlier.
Thus, according to the new style, the Michaelmas miracle will be September 6. As a reminder, according to the old style, the holiday was celebrated on September 19.
On the holiday, believers try to get to the church for worship. Before the icon of Archangel Michael, they pray for health for themselves and their loved ones. Since Michael is considered the patron saint of soldiers, he is prayed for the protection of the military.
It is good on this day to reconcile with those against whom there is an old grudge, as well as to do good deeds. If the whole day is spent helping people, then it was believed that the archangel can fulfill your wishes that you express. Housewives bake pies with various fillings and treat relatives and guests.
Traditionally, on the day of the Miracle of Michael, villages held so-called brachtiny – special village events where various important issues were resolved, rapprochement with neighbors took place, and friendship and brotherhood were established. to graze.
What can not be done on the miracle of Michael
Our ancestors always had great respect for the Archangel Michael, so for the miracle of Michael, they observed a number of beliefs, rites, traditions and, of course, prohibitions.
On the holiday, September 6, it is strictly forbidden to:
- engage in hard physical work;
- do needlework;
- swear;
- quarrel;
- deceive;
- offend someone;
- to wish evil;
- to be jealous;
- to brag;
- to drink alcohol;
- to throw away food after a feast.
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