When you need to salt the liver – at the beginning or at the end of frying
Liver is recommended to be included in the diet by nutritionists and other nutrition experts, because this product is rich in iron and other trace elements. Liver dishes strengthen the immune system and have a positive effect on the work of the whole body.
You can make cutlets from the liver, fry it in a pan or give it away. As for frying, there is one important nuance.
To make the liver soft, it should be salted at the end of cooking. Similarly with meat. Otherwise, the dish will turn out tough, because all the liquid will evaporate.
Therefore, if you salted the liver immediately, do not be surprised why it turned out too tough.
So that the cutlets that you prepare from the liver come out tastier, more aromatic and, most importantly, more useful, you can add fried onions and finely grated raw potatoes.
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