Where should you store oil so it doesn't go bitter?
Most often, a bottle of oil stands right on the kitchen table near the stove. It's clear why – it's enough to stretch out your hand to add the ingredient you need while frying. Sometimes housewives hide oil behind cabinet doors, rightly believing that the product should be in a darkened place.
However, neither the first nor the second option is correct. Vegetable oil can really be left on the table or in the kitchen cabinet. But this is only allowed when the bottle is closed.
As soon as you remove the cap, oxygen gets inside, and a chemical oxidation reaction begins between the two substances.
This leads to the fact that the product begins to spoil – its taste deteriorates, and the vitamins contained in the oil are destroyed.
In the refrigerator, this process occurs more slowly.
Unrefined oil can be stored in the cold for up to two months, while the shelf life of refined oil behind the refrigerator door is four months.
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