Where to use onion peels in the garden
Onion peels are waste that can be found in almost any kitchen. However, not all gardeners know that you can use the peels to benefit the plot. Using it correctly, you can get a large harvest and protect the garden from uninvited pests.
For processing potato tubers
Before planting, potato tubers need to be processed. This will protect the crop from pests that often damage the tuber in the soil.
To use the method, you need to pour 2 kg of onion husks with 5 liters of water and boil for 20 minutes. After cooling, the potatoes are abundantly sprayed with the broth and planted in the soil.
For mulching beds
Mulching helps retain moisture in the soil and protect the crop from spoilage. You can use onion husks to mulch tomatoes and peppers.
To make mulch, the husks are mixed with humus and spread in a thin layer under the bushes. It should also be noted that the husks repel pests.
Protecting beds from pests
Using onion husks, you can get rid of pests such as aphids, whiteflies, or Colorado potato beetles.
To treat an area, 2 kg of husk should be poured with 3 liters of water and boiled for 30 minutes. Leave for a day to infuse. Strain the resulting decoction and spray with a spray bottle.
As a fertilizer
The husk contains a large amount of nutrients for plants. The product is most often used to feed cucumbers and tomatoes. For fertilizer, the husk is poured with water in a ratio of 1 to 2 and infused for 2 days.
The resulting infusion is filtered and used to feed plants. At least 200 ml of feeding is used per bush.
To restore the soil
Loamy and hard soil often causes low yields. In order to make the soil loose, you can use onion husks. The process is very simple, the product is spread in a thin layer and combined with the soil.
At least 5 kg of husks must be used per 1 m2. Over time, the husks rot and act as a high-quality and budget-friendly organic fertilizer.
To increase the immunity of seedlings
Weak seedlings often do not tolerate transplanting into the soil well. In order to increase the immunity of plants, it is necessary to water the seedlings with a light solution of onion husks.
To prepare, 1 kg of husks must be poured with 5 liters of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Strain and water the seedlings once every 10 days.
Onion husk is a real treasure for gardeners. However, it is necessary to prepare the solution correctly.
Often, summer residents, not observing the proportions, cause significant damage to the plants and can ruin them.
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