Where you can't store a bank card: four prohibited places

The service life of a bank card depends on proper storage.

If the proper conditions are not observed, it will simply stop working.

In some cases, this happens due to deformation of the material, in others – due to demagnetization of the tape.

Damaging a plastic card just lying in your pocket or on a table is quite common, so be careful.

Be aware of four dangerous places where you can store a bank card.

On heated surfaces

Before placing a bank card on a window sill or on furniture, make sure that the surface is not heated and that direct sunlight does not fall on it . Strong heat can deform plastic.

By the way, cards are also “afraid” of too low temperatures. Try not to leave the item in extreme cold.

Near some appliances

Do not leave the card near household appliances. Microwave ovens pose a particular danger for a plastic device: radiation can demagnetize the tape.

In a pocket with keys

Do not put a bank card in a pocket where keys or metal coins are already lying . These things can seriously damage the card.

In the back pocket of the pants

The card often falls out from there. Also, people often forget to take the card out of their back pocket before sitting down.

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Author: alex

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