Which breakfast is dangerous for health?
Breakfast is the most important meal that many people ignore. Eating the right food in the morning will give you energy for the whole day, and will also provide a feeling of satiety until lunch.
Popular dry breakfasts in the form of quick cereals or sweet flakes will not only not saturate the body with useful substances, but will also be quickly digested, creating an unpleasant feeling of hunger a few hours after eating. In addition, such products contain a lot of sugar and a minimum of protein, which increases blood sugar levels and increases weight.
Another popular but harmful type of breakfast is pancakes and waffles. They are quick and easy to prepare. In addition, you can add various syrups, jams and even fresh fruit to them. But after such a breakfast, you will want to snack again.
It is best to choose a combination of waffles or pancakes made from whole grain flour and protein sources.
Sandwiches, toast, pastries – all this does not fit the idea of a proper and healthy breakfast. These products contain a large number of calories and fast carbohydrates, due to which hunger sets in quickly and the number on the scales increases, and the body does not receive useful elements at the beginning of the day.
Nutritionists recommend choosing foods rich in complex carbohydrates for breakfast. This will help to maintain a feeling of satiety for longer.
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