Which fertilizers should not be applied in the fall


During the autumn preparation of beds for the new season, gardeners sometimes do not give special attention to important details and make completely unnecessary fertilizers.Often gardeners make incompatible types of fertilizers in the soil, while others make prematurely, which makes their actions absolutely useless. It is worth understanding the expediency of fertilizing in a certain period, listening to the opinion of experienced experts. It is impossible to mix bird litter or fresh manure with ammonium sulfate. With organic matter, these additives are not consumed.Superphosphate, lime, dolomite, chalk and pus are not combined with urea and ammonium nitrate. In the fall

it is best to make phosphorus-potassium additives when cultivating soil. Many still consider them the best alternative to organic and mineral additives.

  • about manure, it is recommended to be introduced once every three years. One square meter of soil is made 3-4 kg of fresh or rotted manure. For one square. m are introduced 2 tablespoons of fertilizer.
  • double superphosphate is added up to 25 gr. on the same area.

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    Publication date:
    Author: alex

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