Which fresh vegetables are better to store in the refrigerator

Mindlessly loading everything brought home after a trip to the store for vegetables or a trip to the country, you can breed real unsanitary in it.

If you believe the experts, a third of the world's food goes to the trash because of improper storage.

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So you should know how to place fresh vegetables wisely in the refrigerator.


It has no place at all, even in the personal box of the most modern refrigerator. Under the influence of low temperatures, starch turns into sugar. So look for another place.

In the refrigerator, the tubers will last no more than 7 days, about 3-4 weeks in the kitchen cupboard and 6 months in a dark and cool pantry.

Zucchini, beetroot and pumpkin

Also, it is not necessary to put it in the refrigerator. They will lie in a dark and cool place. Beets will wait 3 weeks, and the rest will have to be processed in 5 days, no more.


They are sent to the refrigerator first. But even here, they will not last more than a week, and then they will certainly wither or spoil if you do not take care of them.


It is better to leave them at room temperature . Under the influence of low temperature, they lose their taste and aroma.


Stored in both dark and light places, in cupboards and basements. Nothing bad will happen to it in the refrigerator either.

As for its closest relative, the onion, it is stored in containers with good ventilation or hung in a pantry in a net.

It is better to store cut onions in the refrigerator, so they will last up to 5 days.


White cabbage can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, but Peking cabbage will last a long time for 7-8 days.

Pepper strong>

They are stored separately from other vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator. It can be stored for up to 1 week.


It is better not to delay in using it. After 3 days, it can become tasteless and not so fragrant.

Green onions

Before storing, cut the tips and leave the root. Keeps for 1 week. All other greens can be stored in the refrigerator.


In general, they are not intended for long-term storage. As a reserve, you can take “blue ones” for no more than 2 days.


Sprout directly in the refrigerator chamber in just 2-3 days.


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Author: alex

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