Which indoor plants “clean” the air in the apartment?
Indoor plants decorate our homes, help relieve stress, and give rest to the eyes. In addition, they help purify the air in the room from toxic impurities, saturate the atmosphere of the house with oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, moisturize the air, and retain dust.
It is known that dry air in the room (especially in winter) can cause a dry cough and dry out the skin. Many plants release plant antibiotics (phytoncides) and essential oils, destroying harmful microorganisms. One healthy large plant can clean up to 9 square meters of area.
Expert Anastasia Kalinina talks about the most useful indoor plants for purifying indoor air.
- Tradescantia (“women’s gossip”) – its homeland is the tropical swamps of America. The leaves of the plant can be green, purple and striped (this species is called zebrina). Tradescantia looks very beautiful on trellises or hanging pots. The plant is able to neutralize electromagnetic radiation from various electrical appliances in the house and perfectly moisturizes the air, improving the condition of the patient with bronchitis. And the Indians also use tradescantia leaves, applying them to wounds and bruises, like we do to a plantain leaf. Chlorophytum tubatyum (spider plant, or “flying Dutchman”) is an epiphyte plant from the Cape of Good Hope. Chlorophytum purifies the air from tobacco smoke, formaldehyde and gas combustion products, and also releases bactericidal substances. It is used even in the conditions of a space station. Very suitable for greening the kitchen. In Africa, it is used in folk medicine as a laxative.
- Aloe (acutan) purifies the air from formaldehyde, and at night it releases a large amount of oxygen.
- Sansevieria or sansevieria (“pike tail”, “snake skin”, “mother-in-law's tongue”) is the birthplace of the plant on the island of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). This plant perfectly purifies the air in the room from the decomposition products of harmful chemicals (formaldehyde, ammonia, etc.), and is also able to enrich the atmosphere with oxygen at night.
- Chamedorea (bamboo palm) humidifies the air, destroys pathogenic microorganisms and purifies it from formaldehyde.
- Citrus destroys pathogenic bacteria by releasing essential oils. They are excellent air fresheners. They will help get rid of depression, increase efficiency.
- Spathiphyllum (“female happiness”) is able to reduce the concentration of ammonia, formaldehyde, xylene, etc. in the air.
- Indoor chrysanthemum, or gerbera, is able to purify the air in the room from ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful substances.
- Ficuses – trap dust particles and help purify the air from the decomposition products of various plastics.
- Pelargonium (room geranium) purifies the air from pathogens, reduces stress, stabilizes blood pressure and can improve sleep. Excellent for preventing seasonal colds and viral diseases. Relieves headaches. Be careful, the plant can cause allergies.
- Begonia absorbs electromagnetic radiation, traps dust, saturates the air with oxygen, and destroys pathogenic microflora.
- Dracaena purifies the air from car exhaust, it is indispensable if the windows overlook a busy highway or parking lot.
- Dieffenbachia destroys pathogens, protects against respiratory diseases. Neutralizes harmful substances released by various varnishes and paints.
- Aglaonema purifies the air from formaldehyde, destroys pathogens (for example, streptococci).
- Laurel purifies the air from dust and pathogenic microorganisms (even from the causative agent of tuberculosis – Koch's bacillus). Very appropriate in the kitchen.
- Rosemary is necessary for purifying the air in lung diseases, helps prevent colds and improve concentration.
- Epipremnum, chamedorea, anthurium reduce the concentration of benzene, xylene, formaldehyde, etc. in the air.
Remember that healthy and well-groomed plants can purify the air. Water them and feed them in a timely manner, take care of the cleanliness of the leaves. You can add crushed activated carbon tablets to the soil and water for irrigation. Plants also remove negativity and maintain joy in the house.
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