Which onion is best to add to minced meat for cutlets?

Adding certain products to minced meat will make cutlets much juicier and more tender. These are components such as loaf crumb, cream, and semolina.

All housewives know this. However, many of them forget about the importance of another ingredient – onion. After all, the juiciness and softness of cutlets depends primarily on this component of the dish.


Most often, cooks add raw vegetables to the meat base. However, experienced housewives sometimes wonder: “Maybe it makes sense to put fried onions in the minced meat?”

Experienced cooks note: the onion component can be used raw, or you can pre-fry it in a pan. In both cases, the finished dish will turn out delicious. And yet, housewives advise using fried onions.

Pre-processing will remove excess flavor from the vegetables. As a result, the meat dish will not be too spicy or bitter under any circumstances.

In addition, the consistency of the cutlets will also improve. Due to the ingredient fried in oil, the cutlets will become much softer.

Incredible juiciness will be combined with a pleasant taste. Most likely, housewives will no longer use raw onions.

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Author: alex

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