Which people should not drink wine: doctors explain

For people who make up the group risk, even one glass of drunk wine can be a trigger for potentially dangerous disorders, doctors believe.

Many people prefer to relax in the evening with a glass of wine, but experts warn: wine is not a drink for everyone. In some cases, it should not be consumed even in moderation, doctors are convinced.

Which people, in their opinion, should not drink wine?

Diabetics.If you have diabetes, you should be careful with wine, says Dr. Lynn Poston. The expert explains that many varieties of wine can affect the level of sugar in the blood, contribute to its fluctuations, which is extremely undesirable and risky in diabetes. It is especially dangerous if people with diabetes drink wine on an empty stomach – in this case, there is an increased risk that the concentration of sugar in the blood will first increase sharply, and then decrease just as sharply, which threatens the development of hypoglycemia and its consequences – coma.

Who take sedatives or painkillers.Another category of people who should drink wine. Experts explain that sedatives and painkillers slow down brain activity, and so does alcohol. Their combined effect can provoke the development of unpleasant and severe conditions caused by CNS dysfunction, up to the development of coma and even death due to respiratory arrest.

Disulfiram is taken. These drugs used in treatment patients with chronic alcoholism, and they can cause serious side effects when combined with wine. In particular, headaches, nausea and vomiting, weakness, negative changes in the rate of breathing and heart rate can occur.

Asthmatics. If a person is prone to asthma, a glass or two of wine can make him more prone to an asthma attack. According to Dr. Chris Airey, wine contains sulfites – substances to which people with asthma are particularly sensitive: when sulfites get into their bodies, the most unpleasant side reactions are possible.

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Author: alex

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