Which plant acts as an alternative to grapes and little sick


The grapes are beautiful in every way. Delicious berries suitable for consumption in different form, the ability to grow and bear fruit in one place, a good look, the ability to use it as a decorative creeper. A huge amount of effort, time and money. Therefore, ordinary summer residents are quickly disappointed in the grapes, because it is often not enough time to care.Actinidia is a curly plant with edible fruits. They can be prepared compotes, jams, jams, even raisins and wine, as well as raw. It will be actively fruitful in one place it will be at least 50 years old.

the benefitsIn actinidia, oblong green sweet berries with a pineapple taste. Their value in the high content of ascorbic acid. 100 g of the product accounts for 1000 mg of vitamin C, ie 10 times more than in lemon. record vitamin C content, actinidia has other benefits over grapes.

1.Thecorative. This plant can be included in landscape compositions. The fact is that during the season the color of the leaves changes in actinidia. In early summer, the lower part of the leaf begins to pale, turning white. After that, a pale pink color begins to appear on a white background. The upper part of the leaves remains green all this time. A spectacular and unusual sight. However, one nuance should be taken into account. Two species of plants are common – argut and colomict. Colomictum is more frost resistant, so it has become very popular in the backyard.

3. Not ill. It is not affected by disease. At least this is an exception than the rule.

care, as in grapes, is annual pruning. Just do it better in the fall because in the spring the loss of juice from wounds can greatly weaken actinidia.

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Author: alex

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