Which plants to plant in a sunny spot and which ones in the shade?
When choosing a bed for planting plants, a summer resident should take into account both the rules of crop rotation and the level of soil fertility. How well-lit the area is is also important. Many garden crops can demonstrate normal growth and full development only in a sunny place. However, there are plants that are unlikely to give a good harvest with constant exposure to sunlight.
Which plants to plant in a sunny place
It is advisable to place tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants in an open area. The yield of these popular crops increases if they grow in a sunny area.
But a location in the shade has an extremely negative effect on the above-mentioned vegetables.
What plants to plant in the shade
It is more correct to say “in partial shade”. This is exactly how a plot where a number of plants are grown should be characterized.
We are talking about representatives of the legume family (peas and beans), herbs (parsley and mint), as well as crops that are often found in suburban areas, such as cucumbers, onions, beets and radishes.
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