Which porridge is the most useful: Dr. Komarovsky told
Are all cereals equally useful and should you prefer any particular ? Does the benefit of porridge depend on the way it is prepared?
Let's turn to the authorities. Pediatrician, TV presenter and author of health blogs Yevhen Komarovsky answered the questions of subscribers, which porridge is considered the most useful.
It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer, said Komarovsky. The meaning is in the form of cooking – we make it on water, on milk, how much butter we put and whether we add sugar.
The most useful cereals
Buckwheat. One of the leaders in vegetable protein content. Buckwheat contains more than 50 useful substances. It contains manganese, copper, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, antioxidants.
Oatmeal. We are talking about the oatmeal that needs to be boiled, not brewed. Porridge is rich in dietary fibers that reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. Gives a feeling of long-lasting satiety, preventing overeating and weight gain.
Perlovka– the favorite porridge of Roman gladiators. It has a lot of iron, protein and fiber.
Millet. Prevents the deposition of excess fat. Able to remove toxins and antibiotics from the body. It is indicated for diabetes, atherosclerosis, diseases of the liver, pancreas, and cardiovascular system. Contains fiber, complex carbohydrates, saturated fatty acids and amino acids, helps to get rid of excess weight faster.
Corn porridge.Corn porridge contains a lot of dietary fiber, vitamins and trace elements (copper, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, silicon).
Fig. Rice contains vitamins, micro- and macronutrients A lot of phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, manganese, copper, selenium and iodine. Rice is very filling, contains important amino acids. It is important – there is no gluten.
Flax seeds, almost no one prepares it in the form of porridge, and in vain. The main benefit of flax is its ability to reduce high levels of “bad” cholesterol. Linseed-based infusions help normalize metabolism and work of the gastrointestinal tract.
Semolina is not included in the list of useful cereals, said Komarovsky. But it perfectly saves from hunger. If it is prepared correctly, it can become a real delicacy. Helps to recover after a long illness.
The most harmful cereals
Semolina porridge. 70 percent of porridge consists of starch. Able to quickly increase blood sugar, provokes the pancreas to produce insulin.
Rice porridge on milk with sugar. It made it to the top because it is high in calories.
Oatmeal for quick preparation. Contains a lot of sugar and harmful fats, no fiber and useful nutrients. Can provoke the onset of diabetes.
Can you lose weight on porridge
A (short-term) diet on porridge is suitable not only for weight loss, but also for detoxification. It is easy to prepare dishes, affordable for the cost of ingredients and far from hunger strikes. Do not use for more than a week. Choose millet porridge.
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