Which porridge to choose: a dietaryist revealed an important nuance about nutrition


Choosing porridge, be sure to pay attention to its composition, appearance, and the time of cooking. She wrote a detailed post about porridge. Therefore, before cooking this cereals, it should be soaked for 10-12 hours. Cooking time is about one hour. The thinner it is, the smaller the fiber and the higher glycemic index. varieties;

  • “Hercules” – spared steamed grain;
  • oatmeal whole grain – is similar to “Hercules”, but the grains are denser, the time of cooking becomes longer; a large amount of sugars.
  • “Choosing porridge, focus on: composition (there should be no additional syrups, flavors, etc.), appearance – the more similarity with whole grain, later hunger, the longer the cooking time will appear.

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    Author: alex

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