Which potato variety is suitable for mashed potatoes and which for frying?
Even singles have already realized that some potato varieties should be chosen for boiling, others for frying, and still others for salads or stewing. Someone prefers to cook different dishes from the same potato variety in the old-fashioned way – and that is their right. We will tell you how to perform 2 simple tests and not make a mistake in choosing.
The first method
This option is not at all suitable for use in the store. But it works without fail. This is because to determine the varietal difference, you will have to cut the potato tuber into two halves.
Then you need to rub both halves against each other, and if drops of juice appear, this is a variety with a low starch content. It is best used for salads or frying.
If the halves of the vegetable have become sticky and “stick” to each other, this is a starchy variety, which is better used for purees, casseroles and baking in the oven.
The second method
You can even do it in a store or market. Just pay attention to the color of the root vegetables.
If it is a yellow or brown potato, then it is ideal for frying, and the skin on the tubers should be smooth.
Potatoes with red and purple skin are not suitable for frying.
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