Which product does not need to be added to the stuffing so that the cutlets are “lush”

in many cases it is difficult to do without adding bread to the stuffing. Contrary to popular belief, this ingredient is needed to save meat. The bread component is necessary for giving mining and plump. The first is necessary to facilitate the formation of cutlets, and the second – for the splendor of the dish. However, sometimes the meat base is too sticky, and the meatpieces are too rigid and dry. Most often it is due to the use of “wrong” bread.

The common mistake of the housewife

many amateur cooks believe that any bread component can be used when cooking cutlets. However, this is not the case: fresh bread in the stuffing is nothing. If the bakery product is too soft, the stuffing will be very sticky.

The problem is not just that the meat base is sticky. It is also the impossibility of cooking lush and juicy cutlets from such minced meat. Before adding the bakery product, it should be soaked. As a softening fluid, you can use both simple water and a milk drink. The dish will turn out soft and gentle.

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Author: alex

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