Which soups are healthy and which ones are best avoided?
Most Ukrainians eat soup every day. And there is a benefit in this – soup helps to unload the gastrointestinal tract, saturate the body with useful substances and fluid. But not all soups are equally useful.
If your goal is a healthy weight, then you should be careful with soups. Especially if this dish was not prepared by you. Why? It is quite difficult to calculate the calorie content of soup. Rich soups based on meat broths are more popular in our country – borscht, solyanka, rassolnik, borscht with sorrel. All these soups contain many nutrients, but at the same time, they contain a lot of meat fat, and the calorie content can be very high.
When preparing soups at home, you can use lean meats and remove excess fat from the broth – this way you will make the soup more useful. If you eat a rich soup, it is better to refuse the second course, otherwise you can get your daily calorie intake in one meal.
For weight loss, it is better to prepare soups with vegetable and fish broths, or from lean meat. For example, chicken breast makes a delicious and completely low-fat broth, ideal for a light soup.
In addition to the broth, there are other dangers. For example, adding smoked meats, lard and other products to the soup, which significantly affect its calorie content. It is best to prepare the soup so that 70% of the mass of its ingredients are of plant origin. Very nutritious, but not weight-loss-inducing soups can be made using mushrooms, seaweed, pumpkin, and carrots.
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