Which turn to choose while hiking to the store so you don't hang out near the cashier
Interestingly, if you are talented to choose the fastest queue, you will not notice it. And this will happen because you will be focused on unloading purchases from a cart or basket. – Regardless of the time spent, the most slow one will always be the queue in which you stand.The author says that it is necessary to choose a queue, which is mostly men. Studies show that they are less patient. And so – they can seem faster and go earlier. Everything is very easy here. Most people are right -handed. So, they naturally tend to the right.
the author also called for cash. Note that his advice is relevant if light or there is a communication problem. Then really the terminal can work poorly, and therefore – the calculation can not be delayed for one minute. If you stand in one of three queues, you will have one of the three chances that your queue will be the fastest, and two of the three chances that will be faster. We hope this advice will help you save some time and nerves.
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