Which type of figure is the most dangerous: apple, pear or hourglass

Obesity is a big problem that affects both adults and children all over the world. Genetics are usually blamed in such a case, but eating habits and the lack of a healthy lifestyle also have a negative impact on a person's condition.

Overweight can be determined by body mass index (BMI). If the indicator is more than 30, then this is obesity, in the range of 25-29, 9 is overweight. But it is also worth paying attention to the waist circumference: abdominal (visceral) obesity is characterized by excessive deposition of fat in the abdomen. If a man has a waist circumference of more than 94, and a woman has a waist circumference of more than 80, then we are talking about this type of obesity.

At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the type of figure. That is, where exactly fat is located in the human body. In men and women, the localization is different. In the fair sex, extra kilograms are more often accumulated in the lower abdomen, on the hips and buttocks. This type of figure is called a “pear”. Moreover, it is not considered to have a negative effect on a woman's health.

Visceral or abdominal obesity is usually characteristic of men. The shape type is called an apple. Most often, this indicates metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, is a harbinger of cancer or diabetes.

Abdominal fat consists of subcutaneous, visceral fat, which is located deeper, around and inside the internal organs. Even in the absence of excess weight, there may be visceral fat, which will increase the risk of various diseases.

Metabolism becomes slower every year, which is affected not only by age, but also by other factors. Including loss of muscle mass, decrease in activity, natural aging of metabolic processes. Four factors influence speed: resting metabolic rate, thermic effect of food, physical activity, and thermogenesis of non-exercise activity.

To cope with the situation, you need to follow a proper diet. But dieting is difficult, and going to the gym is even more difficult. Therefore, we recommend taking small steps that lead to results.

Eat more fruits and low-fat dairy products at work and at home. It is better to have lunch together with colleagues, have dinner with family, and not in a hurry. It is much more correct to cook yourself, for this you can buy a book of healthy recipes or take part in a marathon on healthy eating, the good thing is that you can find many of them on the Internet. The main thing is to wisely choose a fitness trainer or nutritionist who is the author of the program.

Lunch and snacks at work should also be your own. It is better than store-bought chocolates, salads and other dishes. You should not skip meals, it is better to plan your meal schedule in advance.

It is better to refuse drinks with sugar substitutes. They really do not contain calories, but they are much sweeter than sugar, which affects the taste buds, which increases the craving for sweets.

Try to prolong the pleasure of eating. To do this, chew food at least 30 times per piece. Slow food is the key to health and a beautiful figure.

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Author: alex

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