White bread, popcorn and another 5 foods that should not be eaten after 30 years
Harmful food is harmful at any age. But after 30 years, when the metabolic processes in the body begin to slow down sharply, special attention should be paid to the quality of nutrition. These products should be excluded from the diet – if you want to maintain youth and health for a long time. What can you say about its flavored versions. Just one serving of fruit yogurt in a plastic jar contains about 47 grams of sugar – and this is more that we have to consume for the whole day, about one and a half times.Many consider soybeans equivalent to replace meat. The protein content is possible, yes, but in the other it is not the most useful product. It is known that constant consumption of soy products can provoke the development of inflammatory processes in the body and cause impaired thyroid function. In addition, soybeans contain phytoestrogens. It is not necessary to “tease” the organism-do you have never had problems with hormones.
white bread
We are very sorry, but we will also have to give up this product. The baking of the highest grade flour contains the so -called “fast” carbohydrates, which provoke sharp jumps in blood sugar and weight gain. And the nutritional value of such food is very small, for example, compared to whole grain flour bread, in which the same fiber contains at times more.The juice from the package to fruits has a fairly distant relationship. After spinning, it undergoes additional heat treatment-pasteurization, “kills” most of the useful vitamins and minerals. In addition, manufacturers add to the finished product a completely unthinkable amount of sugar, which crosses all its possible benefit.After 30 years, in principle, it is not necessary to rely on baking, but if you already indulge yourself, only dishes prepared with your own hands with a clearly measured amount of ingredients. How, in your own way, is a shop baking stay fresh and soft for several days? Hydrogeneous oils, preservatives and a “horse” portion of sugar – do you really need it? But there is one problem with transgires, which are often added to this kind of semi-finished products. These substances adversely affect the brain, contributing to cell death and inflammation. In addition, the false “butter” may contain a dangerous carcinogen – diacetyl, which increases the risk of cancer. And if its manufacturer is not a large high quality fisherman, there is a risk that the products can be dangerous to health. Many local fishery, in particular, Asian – abuse the use of antibiotics and feeds of dubious quality. And some careless farmers also tint fillets to give it a product look.
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