White sausage and cake in the form of a lamb: what is eaten on Easter in different countries of the world

Traditional dishes for Easter in different parts of the world

In each country, the traditions for the holiday are similar, but the tastes in cooking can differ significantly. What are the most unusual dishes prepared in different parts of the world for Easter, we will tell below.

Germany.Here, the celebration of Easter begins on Thursday, which is called “green Thursday” and the dishes on the table are also green. Fish is usually eaten on Good Friday. Many interesting meat dishes are prepared on Sunday: lamb, Brandenburg lamb (Brandenburger Lammfleisch) – diced lamb with onions, served with green beans and potatoes. For Easter, a pie is prepared, the recipe of which is similar to our paska, but in the shape of an oval braid. They also prepare a cake in the shape of a lamb.

France. A traditional Easter dish is being prepared – L'Agneau Pascal (Easter lamb) from dough. The French like to eat chocolate, candies, and chocolate eggs on the holiday, but they don't bake Paska.

Poland. Many meat dishes are prepared for Easter, ham, meat and white sausage baked in a natural casing. For the holiday, “babka” (cake made of yeast dough) must be prepared without filling, but it is recommended to add at least 60 eggs. They also always bake mazurok – a flat cake made from different types of dough decorated with marmalade, chocolate glaze, dried fruits and nuts.

Spain. Mona de Pascua is baked for Easter, a round cake decorated with colored feathers, chocolate figures, sweet balls, nuts or meringues and cornaso is a Spanish Pascua, the main ingredient of which are sausages.

Mexico. Traditional kapirotada bread is baked for the holiday, similar to a pudding with a filling of hard cheese, dried fruits and cinnamon.

Finland. Mummy dessert made of water, rice flour, black molasses and orange peel is a traditional dish for Easter. After cooling, it is poured with cream, milk or cream.

Greece. Before Easter, the Greeks bake cookies called Koulourakia, which are made with cloves, sesame and vanilla.

Netherlands.Traditional Easter bread Kerststol. Dry fruits, raisins and currants, lemon and orange peel, milk, butter, sugar, vanilla and cinnamon are added to the yeast dough.

Malta.< /b> Traditionally, before Easter, cookies in the shape of various fruits, animals, cars, flowers are baked from dense dough with almond flour.

Austria. Here Easter pastries are similar to Ukrainian Paska. Raisins, dried apricots, rum, a mixture of nuts and cinnamon are added to the cake.

Great Britain. For the holiday, a fruit cake is served, which is decorated with 11 marzipan balls.

Serbia and Hungary. The Easter pastry here is a pie – white ceremonial bread of a special shape, baked from twisted and interlaced dough.

Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Moldova, Serbia. For Easter, kozonak is baked – a national confectionery product.

Italy. Kolomba is baked for Easter – a buttery yeast cake with candied fruit, zest or raisins, decorated with crunchy sugar crumbs and whole almonds, pince, salame del papa chocolate bread, and a panettone-like cake Tuscany, Neapolitan Easter cake – Pastera with shortbread and a filling of wheat in milk and ricotta, cake in the form of a round cake – Tortano.

Sweden. Easter Swedish bun, which used to be eaten only once a year – on “fat” Tuesday, the day before the beginning of Great Lent. This is a small wheat bun with cardamom and almond filling, generously seasoned with unsweetened whipped cream and lightly dusted with powdered sugar.

Portugal . Folar is baked before Easter. The composition includes water, salt, eggs, wheat flour. The form and the specific recipe differ from region to region, so that in some places the pastry is sweet, and in others it is salty. Folar is sometimes served with a boiled egg, which symbolically represents rebirth and the Resurrection.

Ukraine. Ukrainian ceremonial buttery Easter bread, also common in Georgia , Moldova, Romania and some other countries. Several paskats of different sizes are baked, sometimes for each member of the family, and one big one for everyone, they are decorated with dough decorations. There are special forms for baking paskov – paskovniki. A special variety is cheese pashka – pressed in the form of a truncated pyramid, which symbolizes the Lord's crest, and with the letters ХВ.

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Author: alex

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