Whiten teeth without a dentist: a budget option for a beautiful smile

Yellowed tooth enamel – one of those little things that can spoil the appearance. But how to whiten teeth if there is no extra money for a dentist? In this case, one old proven method can help.

Few people know that baking soda has many more uses than baking. Someone cleans the pipes in the sink with it, someone cleans mugs from tea and coffee deposits. It turns out that baking soda can also whiten tooth enamel.

Unlike lamps, strips and whitening pens, which give questionable results and can damage enamel, baking soda is a mild abrasive. It is easy to clean stains from coffee, tea, red wine or other products, as they mainly have an acidic environment. Soda-lye, which means it can neutralize the effect of acids. Thus, the surface is cleaned without harming the teeth themselves, say the experts of “Arm and hammer”.

How to use baking soda correctly?

Darkened areas of the teeth can be treated with one tablespoon of soda. Mix it with the same amount of water so that the result is “porridge”. This thick mixture can be applied to the teeth either with a toothbrush or simply with your fingers. It is very important to use a soft brush, rubbing the soda paste into the enamel in a circular motion for two minutes. It is desirable that this mass covers each tooth.

“Do not rub too hard, do not press. After two minutes, spit out the soda and rinse your mouth,” Arm and hammer experts warn. If you do not follow the instructions, you can cause damage to the oral cavity.

If the stains on the teeth are too dark, you can add hydrogen peroxide to the soda instead of water. This effervescent composition should also be evenly applied to the teeth with a finger or a soft brush. Before rinsing your mouth, hold it for a minute, but do not swallow this mixture.

If you are afraid of harming your teeth in this homemade way, look for a soda-based toothpaste. It is also able to clean enamel quickly and safely. However, it is important to remember that baking soda cannot prevent or cure tooth decay and other oral diseases. Therefore, it is important to consult a dentist before all procedures.

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Author: alex

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