Who and why should eat eggs every day

Eggs are a unique product in which a whole complex of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Egg breakfast helps not only to keep you full for a long time, but also to actively build muscle mass. They have a lot of protein, as well as calcium, lecithin, phosphorus, vitamin D. At the same time, it is a complete and, moreover, a dietary product – there are not many calories in them.

All eggs, regardless of the color of the shell , have approximately the same composition. The color of the yolk depends on nutrition, age and even the breed of chicken. At the same time, it is the yolk that contains the most vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, eggs will help strengthen muscle mass, improve immunity and even lose weight – as research shows, people who regularly eat eggs consume fewer calories on average. because they keep a feeling of satiety for a long time.

If there are no contraindications, you can eat 1-2 eggs per day, and those who are afraid of excess cholesterol, but want to get easily digestible protein, can eat only the protein part.

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Author: alex

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