Who of the zodiac signs is capable of betrayal and who is the most faithful
Horoscope can tell not only what awaits you next week, but also what character traits Inherent in one or other signs of the zodiac. This also applies to betrayal.
This sign does not like to take risks. If there are no serious problems in the relationship, then why change something and go to an unjustified risk? And if the Virgo learns about the betrayal of a partner, it will not reveal, but simply break the relationship. . Scorpions in very rare cases go for betrayal and never forgive if they betray them. They are very responsive, so keep their nerves and feelings.
They are accustomed to negotiating everything in advance, so if Capricorn is not a “free relationship”, then he is unlikely to betray. This option can only happen if the partner has cooled to this zodiac sign. Aquarius is strongly attached to the partner, so others are not attracted or lazy.
Representatives of the zodiac sign are able to fantasize about the novel on the side, but it does not reach the case, because they are constantly in search of an unattainable ideal. may well betray a partner with someone very attractive. Former because they cannot forget those happy moments made together. Sagittarius in constant search for the ideal. However, unlike passive fish, in a fairly active search. For them it is just sex, no attachment. > Leo
lions are constantly falling in love. Sometimes these affairs can be limited to a friendly correspondence, and sometimes it comes to sex. In order not to happen, the lions need to praise, caress and maintain emotional connection with them.
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