Why are chicken eggs needed in the diet?

Chicken eggs are good for health, but, like any food, in limited quantities. Egg yolk contains cholesterol and with constant consumption of such a dish, blood cholesterol levels can significantly increase. A large amount of cholesterol leads to the formation of fatty plaques on the vessels, which clog the bloodstream and negatively affect the work of the entire cardiovascular system.

Gastroenterologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences Kateryna Kashukh explained that eggs contain a whole set of amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body. They participate in the structure of tissues, immune defense and metabolic processes.

“Lecithin is another important ingredient in eggs. By its structure, it is a fat-like substance that helps restore the phospholipid layer in the cell, that is, protect it from destruction,” the specialist added.

Chicken eggs also contain vitamin D. For example, the yolk of a large egg contains 5% of the body’s daily requirement for this element. Vitamin D is important for metabolic processes, bone growth and the proper functioning of the hormonal system.

“Nutritionists from different countries agree that there will be no harm from 1–2 eggs a day. Moderation is needed in everything,” Kashukh emphasized.

The gastroenterologist advised using regular oil to cook scrambled eggs. Vegetable oils such as rapeseed, olive, soybean and linseed become toxic to the body when heated due to the high content of polyunsaturated acids. It is also worth refraining from eating raw eggs. Despite the popular belief that such a dish is completely beneficial, there is a high risk of salmonellosis infection.

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Author: alex

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