Why are store-bought yogurts with additives dangerous?

Often, when I walk past the long shelves with dairy products in the supermarket, I see a variety of yogurts with all kinds of additives. These are yogurts with fruit syrups, pieces of fruit, with chocolate balls and … a lot of other dubious “healthy” products in beautiful packaging.

I always wonder – who buys all this? After all, how much has already been said about the fact that there is a lot of sugar and starch in low-fat yogurts, and dyes, and flavor stabilizers, and much more that you don't even suspect. Can such products be considered healthy food?

And yet, approaching the checkout, you can see this very dubious food with almost every second buyer.

You can talk about this topic as much as you want, explain it, but human laziness prevails over all the weighty evidence. It is especially unfortunate for children, for whom this is a familiar food almost from birth. And mothers always explain this by saying that their children do not want to eat anything else. And I often hear this – when the child was small, I made yogurts myself, and then I left, there was no time, and so on. My question is – why harm the body and then go to doctors?

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Author: alex

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