Why can eating oatmeal every day be harmful?

The nutritionist answered the question, she warned that eating oatmeal too often porridge can contribute to bone-destroying osteoporosis.

Expert explained why eating oatmeal every day can be harmful? The fact is that groats contain a lot of phytates (a form of phytic acid) – these substances are difficult to digest. Therefore, being in the gastrointestinal tract, phytates reduce the digestibility of useful and necessary nutrients for the normal functioning of the body – minerals, starches, proteins, fats. Constant use of products containing them can contribute to the deficiency of important microelements and ultimately to the loss of bone mass.

“Oatmeal for breakfast should not be eaten every day, but two to three times a week. Frequent consumption is harmful because it interferes with the normal absorption of calcium, the lack of which can weaken the human bone system, as well as have a bad effect on other aspects of health,” said the nutritionist.

The specialist specified that giving up oatmeal completely is not necessary, as it really contains a lot of useful nutrients (for example, vitamins of group B). But it should be eaten alternating with other cereals: the doctor recommends including buckwheat and barley porridge in the diet.

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Author: alex

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