Why can't lose weight? 4 habits can slow down the metabolism
Do you want to lose weight, give up habits that slow down your metabolism and prevent you from burning fat.
Metabolism is a term used to describe all the cellular processes by which the body obtains energy from food. In part, its activity is determined by a hereditary factor, to a large extent it depends on the right lifestyle.
If you're trying to shed extra pounds but can't, it could be due to four habits that slow your metabolism, experts say.
You're trying to lose weight radically. Giving up of many food groups, cutting too much calories in the daily diet can slow down the metabolism, because the body, which does not get the nutrients it needs, starts to store fat stores instead of using them.
You sleep too little. Lack of sleep negatively affects the speed of metabolic processes. Scientists disagree about the exact causes. Some suspect that the metabolism slows down due to lack of sleep. Others – that people who don't sleep enough simply have less energy for movement, and the lack of exercise, in turn, affects the metabolism.
You don't move much. Muscles are the biggest metabolic organ. Physical activity is especially important for stimulating the burning of energy in muscle cells, which is so important for weight loss. Their lack slows down this process.
You allow yourself sweets in between meals. Short-chain or simple carbohydrates, which are mainly found in sweets and sweet drinks, increase sugar levels especially quickly in the blood, which disrupts metabolism. Sweets should be eaten together with protein or fat, but for those who want to lose weight, it is better to refuse them or minimize the amount and never consume them on an empty stomach.
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