Why constantly want to eat: common reasons


Recent By similar appetite and saturation failures?

the body needs water. According to doctors, it is often the case to people that they are hungry, while physiologically, their body is thirsty. This is due to the fact that the neurological signals of hunger and thirst are treated with one area of ​​the brain. Try to drink water first if you wanted to eat after a recent meal.

way to distract yourself. Turn away from unwanted thoughts, bad mood. In such moments it is better to be physically active – it is a healthier and useful way to get distracted.

Lack of order. , but a person can eat a lot of food and suffer from a lack of nutrients. This usually happens when deep industrial processing products containing very little fiber, vitamins and minerals are actively eaten. If a person eats a lot of sweet, flour, then as a result of lack of trace elements and jumps of blood sugar, you will constantly feel hungry. Food requires some concentration, focus, rest. If food is absorbed too quickly, in a standing position or on the move, or accompanied by other activities that distracts attention – for example, work at a computer – then a person does not notice his saturation.

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Author: alex

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