Why cooks do not recommend frying potatoes together with onions

Everyone knows about aromatic potatoes with onions, but cooks have found a reason why it is better not to cook them that way. You can agree with them or not, but we will voice this information. Maybe it's useful for someone.


Fried potatoes should theoretically be somewhat crispy. It doesn't always work out that way, but the fact is the fact. When frying onions, juice is released. It provokes the softening of potatoes. As a result, it is not fried, but stewed.

This opinion is confirmed by the recommendation to fry the liver together with onions. It makes it softer, because onion juice has exactly this effect.

Cooks recommend doing everything as follows. Fry your favorite potatoes, and in another pan, onions. Then just mix it together. It will be the same, but better. Delicious!

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Author: alex

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