Why did the leaves turn yellow in the orchid: the main reasons
Any flower grower subconsciously thinks that the yellowing of leaves cannot indicate anything good.
Therefore, it is necessary to immediately establish the correct reason.
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If this happened to an orchid, some of the reasons may be completely natural and should not cause alarm.
What could they be?
This is just a natural process
If we are talking about the lowest leaf, then its color change is normal. In this case, the leaf may still look a bit “crumpled”.
This happens due to age.
During the flowering of an orchid spends the supply of nutrients on its flowers. Therefore, the leaves may simply lack nutrients. If you have not applied nutrients for a long time, it is time to correct the situation.
Diseases and pests
If other symptoms appear in addition to yellowness (spots, damage), then we are talking about diseases and the appearance of insects. In this case, correct processing will help.
This is probably the most dangerous option for the development of events. The orchid should be carefully examined. If you notice that the root system has started to rot, then it is time to treat it.
As a rule, all damaged parts are removed, the plant is treated and transplanted. There is always a chance to save an orchid.
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