Why do experienced gardeners tie garlic leaves into a knot?
In the beds with garlic, you can see that the leaves of the plant are tied into a knot. There is a scientific explanation why this simple action is associated with the garlic harvest.
It is known that the bulb of a plant is formed simultaneously with the growth of leaves. Only by mid-summer do nutrients begin to flow to a greater extent to the underground part of the plant.
A similar process occurs with onions. However, in the case of garlic, farmers have to wait a long time for its leaves to age and begin to die.
To make the green part of the garlic wither faster, experienced gardeners mechanically affect the leaves by tying them into a knot. This speeds up the process of bulb formation, which allows for earlier harvest.
There is another opinion that garlic heads whose leaves have been tied grow larger and are also stored longer. However, this opinion is based only on personal experience and has not yet been confirmed.
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