Why do experienced housewives freeze onions

Everyone knows that of all the vegetable abundance there are those vegetables that it's useless to freeze.

Among them is onion, but some housewives for some reason continue to put it in the freezer. Why do it and what is its practical benefit.


Frozen onions

Onions are most often found in salads, as exclusively vegetable (vinaigrette), as well as with other food products (Olivier, Mimosa).

When the recipe requires only fresh onions, and you have onions in the pantry that are so bad that you cannot clean them, no eat without tears, only the freezer will save.

If you are going to cook and you need to clean a lot of onions, put a dozen of them in the freezer for 5-10 minutes.

After such heat treatment it will no longer taste so bad and you won't even have to marinate it before adding it to the salad.

And the most pleasant thing in this case is that you can peel the onion without tears.

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Author: alex

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