Why do experienced housewives freeze potatoes before frying

It will be interesting to know that some cooks freeze potatoes before frying. Few people know about this secret.

This is one of the many culinary tricks that allows you to prepare a familiar dish much tastier. How to do it right and what you need for it, besides potatoes.


To prepare you need:

  • potatoes ;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil.

< strong>How to cook

First, the potatoes must be washed, cleaned and cut into straws.

Place them in a bowl (pot) with clean water, otherwise the potato straws will darken quickly.< /p>

Next we prepare the marinade. We take two glasses of water and add one teaspoon each of salt and sugar.

Stir and after the ingredients dissolve, put them in the potatoes for 20 minutes.

When the water becomes cloudy, drain it and dry the vegetable on a towel or napkin.

As soon as the water is completely gone, send the potatoes to the freezer for 1.5 hours and freeze them completely.

Thanks to this trick, after frying, the outside of the potatoes will be covered with a nice crust, and the inside will remain soft.

You can use it primarily for cooking french fries, but you can simply fry it in a pan.

If we talk about french fries, then they are prepared as follows so that the oil covers the vegetables by an average of 1-1.5 cm. It is cooked for 7-8 minutes.


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Author: alex

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