Why do experienced housewives salt lemons

Salted lemons at first glance are kind of wild, but if you look , then spending money is not useless at all. It is interesting that at the same time, pepper or other spices and herbs, as well as aromatic herbs, lavender, for example, are added to the lemon brine. So what is it for and what is the benefit.


To salt a lemon, you will need coarsely ground salt, and then you can act on inspiration.

Perfectly combined with salty citrus, rosemary, bay leaf, cinnamon, fennel, coriander, basil.

How to salt

  1. You need to thoroughly wash the lemon peel and wipe it dry .
  2. Cut the lemons into 6-8 slices.
  3. Place everything on the bottom of a dry and wide dish, having previously poured a good layer of salt, and then the lemon.
  4. We put the lemon pieces in layers, mixed with salt, spices and other natural aromatic additives, pressing a little.
  5. Close with a lid and leave for several days at room temperature.

Then such lemons can be added to salads, meat, fish and vegetable dishes, used to prepare marinades, but it is best to bake chicken with them.

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Author: alex

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